Client Services
Oberlin Community Services offers emergency financial assistance to help southern Lorain County residents with rent & mortgage payments and utility bills. When someone needs assistance, our Client Services Coordinator Kathy Burns holistically assesses an individual's needs in order to determine how best to help them. Someone may come in for one issue; however, over the course of the visit, other concerns arise. These are addressed and guide the outcome of the visit.
Emergency Assistance
Emergency services include monetary assistance that someone may need for utilities, rent, or mortgage payments to avoid eviction or shutoff as funding is available.
Los servicios de emergencia incluyen asistencia monetaria que alguien puede necesitar para pagos de servicios públicos, alquiler o hipoteca para evitar el desalojo o el cierre, según haya fondos disponibles.
Counseling and Advocacy
Often, when someone reaches out to OCS for assistance, it is the first time they have had an opportunity to discuss some deeper, more personal issues with anyone. Kathy takes as much time as necessary to assess the situation and apply the appropriate psycho-social interventions with the goal of minimizing stress and improving coping skills. If someone is having a difficult time getting their voice heard, OCS will help provide that voice by advocating for the client and empowering them to get their needs met.
Frecuentemente, cuando alguien contacta a OCS en busca de ayuda, esta es la primera vez que han tenido la oportunidad de discutir algunos temas más profundos y personales con alguien. La coordinadora de servicios al cliente toma tanto tiempo como sea necesario para evaluar la situación y aplicar las intervenciones sociales apropiadas con el objetivo de minimizar el estrés y mejorar sus habilidades para afrontar problemas.
If there is something OCS cannot assist with, we make referrals to the best resources that can help. Even if OCS can assist with a situation, we often provide additional resources to meet other needs.
Our Client Services Coordinator is Kathy Burns, MSW, LSW:
Nuestra coordinadora de servicios del cliente es Kathy Burns: